Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gotham By Gaslight

had to draw gaslight Batman page for class. Tooooo tired. Results:

Saturday, April 20, 2013

What's Been Eating Me

So I had a  wave of negativity overtake me last night while I was about to sleep, and I decided to through it on a sheet of paper because I don't need that garbage hanging around my thoughts.Doing so managed to do exactly that and now I'm happy haha. So here's what happened after I violently attacked the page.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Batman & Robin Inks

Inked my teacher's pencil work for an assignment the other day. Here's how it came out.


Been putting in some work over the past few weeks that I'm sharing now.

Just a goofy morph that I kinda like


Classmates and projects

The Ripper. I'm not a fan, but I'm drawing a Batman comic for class that stars jack here as the primary antagonist.

Figure Drawing from today, I inked the ones I liked

The monster head in the corner is covering a horrendous drawing haha I like how he turned out tho, fun experimentation


Chickasaw Project

Had to do pencils for a script that wasn't the most clear read in existence. Here's what I came up with. Keep in mind, these are all bad. there's some good elements to em, but they're mainly here to show future me that there is hope.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

More Skratches

Practicing putting figures down in perspective, and practicing the cyrillic alphabet. It's wrong as written here. I got a revised version that will be in my later pages I'm sure.

Skratches from in class. There's a couple cool things going on here. In the top right is a conversation between me and this kid in class, I looked through his sketchbook, which was good, but FULL of penises. so I was like you're good cept for that stuff, then he said what he said. Over on the left there's a weird demon looking face with a bunch of weird teeth. That was inspired by a gnarly tree trunk that I saw while waiting for the bus. below that is a dude with a crustean-like claw arm. Below that are the words "Pistol Shrimp" Youtube that bad boy if you don't already know what it's about, easily one of the most badass creatures in existence. And finally to the right of that is a drawing a a kid in class that I really like. Definitely feel like I caught him fairly well, unlike everyone else on the page.

Friday, April 5, 2013

New SketchBook SketchDump

Started a new sketchbook for class. Here's the first 6 pages from this week.

I liked that Robot drawing so I taped it in the sketchbook

Characters for our first comic pages Also trying to learn some Russki


More figuring out the characters

Random Doodles I did in Shakespeare class ahah

These sketches are just playing around with the inks. I've liked drawing violent scenes since I was in middle school, but I stopped because it wasn't proper. But I've decided to bring it back because it's exciting and fun.